Have you visited Watching Over Whiskers?
In a “purrfect” world, all animals would be loved and cared for, but reality falls far short of that ideal. Watching Over Whiskers (WOW) is here to help. A new fund has been established at the Community Foundation of the Ozarks where cat loving individuals can make tax deductible donations and will work directly with area rescues, vets and individuals.
The fund supports routine vetting to help place kitties in loving homes, as well as TNR assistance and emergency vet assistance for kitties on a case by case basis. This page has been established for everyone to follow the story of the kitties we are able to help.
To date, the founder, Marci, has been able to TNR, vet and/or place personally well over 150+ kitties in the last four years and she couldn’t have done it without YOU. The kindness and compassion YOU have shown has made all the difference and given Marci the ability to help defenseless felines who have no voice without us.
Follow us on this journey as we continue to work together, Watching Over Whiskers- CLICK HERE
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